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Are Online Degrees Here to Stay? Bryan University Offers Statistics

Nathan Stokes Online Classes, Online Degrees Leave a Comment

COVID-19 truly turned our world upside-down, including the way we educate each other in a formal setting. Instead of meeting daily in person, students from elementary school to post-doctoral candidates very quickly transitioned into remote learning and online classes. Now, it seems these things have become the norm. 

But as the United States gradually starts to do away with masks, COVID vaccines become more accessible, and businesses and schools re-open, what does the future of college look like? 

Here at Bryan University, we’ve looked at the statistics and we can say that online degrees and education are certainly going to remain a permanent fixture in America.

What do statistics say about online classes?

Research published in the past few months has found evidence that many Americans prefer remote learning and have switched gears to pursue online degrees.

  • 1 in 5 U.S. school districts plan to offer fully online learning even after the pandemic ends.
  • More than one-third of U.S. adults changed or canceled their education plans as a result of the COVID-19 crisis and 22 percent of them switched to online learning.
  • 24% of these students changed or canceled their education plans because they did not want to or could not attend in person.
  • 19% of college students who changed their education plans due to the COVID-19 pandemic intend to enroll in an online-only college.
  • Enrollment in online college degree programs has had more than a decade of strong growth, even during periods when traditional college degree programs have experienced declines in enrollment.

What are some advantages of online degrees?

According to Northeastern University, educators and students cite the following advantages as a primary reason for opting for online degrees instead of pursuing an in-person program.

  • Fewer student expenses: Without the expenses of on-campus housing, meal plans, or gas for commuting, students pay less overall for online programs.
  • More flexibility: Students don’t necessarily have to relocate to attend top universities across the country. This can lead to better emotional health and less stress, especially for students who have families, children, and extended family living nearby.
  • Comfortable learning environment: Students can learn from anywhere, whether that be at home, from a coffee shop, or at the library. This allows them to decide where they learn best with fewer distractions.
  • Career advancement: Completing an online program can open doors for promotions at work and offers flexibility to continue working during the day while attending classes and gaining new skills in the evening.

Related post: Technological Tools To Help Complete Your Online Classes at Bryan University

Where can I get an online degree? 

We would love to be a part of your educational journey. At Bryan University, we offer a variety of online degree programs for students. Please call us toll-free at 1-855-862-0755 or enroll online to learn more.

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