BA100 Business Communications – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course presents methods in both written and oral communications as they relate to business. The course emphasizes writing and revising effective
business correspondence, speaking effectively, and developing useful organizational skills for written and oral business presentations.
BA101 Keyboarding – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course provides a contemporary learning environment for today’s high-tech office. The course emphasizes learning correct key strokes techniques, and then practicing to develop proficient typing skills.
BA105 Business Accounting Concepts – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course places students in the role of a sole proprietorship and small corporate business accountant. Students will learn fundamental accounting concepts and principles, develop and interpret financial statements, and perform some financial analysis and comparisons.
BA106 Business Accounting Functions – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course provides experience in establishing and using computer-based accounting systems for small business operations.
BA110 Principles of Business – 4.5 Credit Hours
The course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts and principles of business enterprise and economics. An overview to the functions of a business organization will include an evaluation of the social and economic environment in which the business operates, followed by a look at management, finance, accounting, production, marketing, insurance, law, and global business awareness.
BA125 Organizational Behavior – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course presents a broad overview of the principles and fundamental aspects of Organizational Behavior. The course emphasizes the topics of basic human processes, individual behavior in the organization, group and team dynamics, and organizational culture.
BA140 Business Law – 4.5 Credit Hours
The course combines the understanding of legal theory with, and an acquaintance of, the various forms of contracts. Students are taught the essentials of the legal environment of business, tort law, contracts, commercial transactions, government regulations and property.
BA175 Business Applications – 4.5 Credit Hours
Students will prepare documents and complete tasks similar to those required in a technologically advanced business environment. The course emphasizes oral and written business communication through the use of word processing and spreadsheet programs common in today’s business world. Students will develop the necessary math skills required to systematically solve business-related problems.
BA195 Sales and Marketing – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course introduces modern business marketing concepts and strategies and familiarizes the student with standards, procedures, and techniques used in marketing. Topics include marketing research, consumer behavior, product and pricing strategies, marketing communications and distribution.
BA220 Leadership – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course introduces basic leadership concepts within framework of leader behaviors, defines leadership in terms of behaviors perceived by followers and through real-life examples, and engages in analysis of cases representing classic leadership problems and opportunities. The course focuses on the art of leadership and exposes the student to tools and techniques to assist in the development of leadership skills necessary in all facets of life.
BA226 Project Management – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course focuses on the essentials of effective project management and the activities required to achieve project success. Three phases of the project management will be studied: 1.) the identification of the need for project management, 2.) the development of the proposed solution, and 3.) the implementation of the solution.
BA230 Human Resource Management – 4.5 Credit Hours
The recruitment and selection of employees, labor relations, training programs, service records, efficiency ratings, compensation and employee development programs, labor turnover, and employee morale are all covered in this course. The course will examine personnel practices of several companies that have developed outstanding personnel programs.
BA298 Applied Business Research – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course will train students to develop fundamental skills for office administration and management. Students will complete research and simulations designed to prepare them for office operation duties that are vital in today’s business world. Students will continue to increase proficiency in business software functions. This course is designed to simulate activities in the office environment.
BA300 Managerial Cost Accounting – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course introduces the basic principles of management accounting including manufacturing and cost accounting, cost analysis, budgeting and financial statement analysis. Also covered in this course are accounting for decentralized operations, capital budgeting decisions, and ethical challenges in managerial accounting.
BA305 Tax Accounting – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course introduces tax accounting exposing students to a broad range of tax concepts and emphasizing the role of taxation in the business decision making process. The study of income determination concepts for corporations and the impact of taxation on decisions and ethical standards will also be covered.
BA310 Money and Banking – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course discusses the nature and functions of money and the role of depository institutions and central banks in affecting the supply of money and credit. The course also reflects on the changing financial environment and the influence of monetary policy on interest rates, prices and the overall level of economic activity.
BA315 Entrepreneurial Finance – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course is designed to teach prospective entrepreneurs the fundamentals of how to become an entrepreneur, focusing on the financial aspects. The objective of this course is to enhance students’ understanding of the dynamic challenges faced by entrepreneurial ventures in securing financial backing to support future growth and development.
BA320 Consumer Behavior – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course examines important concepts, principles, and theories from the various social sciences in order to describe and explain consumer behavior. The purpose of the course is to study the process of consumer choice, its determinants and its implications for marketing programs and public policy. Consumer behaviors that will be analyzed are consumers as individuals, as part of a group, and the effects of consumption on culture and how to measure these influences.
BA325 Market Research – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course is designed to introduce students to the concepts and practices that make up the field; to show how marketing information research tools, skills, and understanding can be applied in solving marketing problems. Students will learn how to design a market research project, how to gather and collect accurate data, and the analysis of data and the reporting of results. This course will also explain the use of technology in the research process.
BA340 Personal Investing and Portfolio Management – 4.5 Credit Hours
In the midst of today’s shifting financial environment and fast-paced, changing lives, it’s more important than ever before that students gain a solid foundation in personal financial planning. This course provides students with the tools, techniques, and understanding they need to define and achieve their financial goals. The course emphasizes the importance of learning to use today’s most critical financial tools and technology, including financial planning software.
BA404 Microeconomics – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course will cover the area of economics commonly defined as microeconomics which is concerned with the individual parts of the economy such as individual businesses or industries, individual consumers, and individual products. The goal is to study whether the economy uses our limited resources to obtain the maximum satisfaction possible for society.
BA405 Macroeconomics – 4.5 Credit Hours
The flow of national income, economics growth and fluctuation, the role of money and banking, and monetary and fiscal policies are all essential topics covered in this course. Emphasis is given to the development of conceptual tools to analyze the economic problems facing modern society.
BA410 International Business – 4.5 Credit Hours
Explores the concept of international business as a system and the theories which underlie it; institutions which are visual evidences of it; production, marketing, financial, legal and other subsystems which comprise the total system. It also examines national governmental and international institutional controls and constraints, which impact the environment in which the system operates.
BA415 Marketing Strategies – 4.5 Credit Hours
The focus of this course is strategic marketing analysis and marketing planning. Students will learn the components and construction of a strategic marketing plan, and they will gain considerable experience in the analysis of complex marketing decisions. In addition, this course examines the major trends in marketing including the integration of marketing communications, radical changes in the selling function and sales force, customer relationship management,
the impact of e-commerce, and the broadening role of marketing throughout organizations.
BA420 Integrated Marketing – 4.5 Credit Hours
This course is designed for students who will become decision makers in almost any company concerned with consumer/customer communications including: advertising, public relations, promotions, Internet, marketing, media and client organizations. Students will learn and practice message and touch-point integration with special attention to effectiveness and measurable results. Communication professionals are now more than ever accountable for their programs and strategies. They also have more power to shape the way in which marketing organizations do business.
MBA500 Organizational Behavior – 4 Credit Hours
This course examines the roles of leaders, and their influence on culture and performance within an organization. Topics include the establishment of common values, employee motivation, group and team dynamics, conflict resolution, managing change and communication within an organization.
MBA510 Corporate Finance – 4 Credit hours
This course introduces students to concepts important to the financial success of a corporation. Students will examine the key financial concepts including sources of investment capital, corporate investment strategies, dividend policy, short and long-tem planning and risk management.
MBA515 Managerial Accounting – 4 Credit Hours
This course provides students with the tools necessary to apply accounting concepts to plan, control and evaluate business activities. Topics addressed include analysis and interpretation of financial data, developing and evaluating financial data and conducting cost-benefit analyses.
MBA520 Global Leadership and Business Ethics – 4 Credit Hours
This course examines decision making in the context of ethics and social responsibility. Students will examine the role of business in politics, law and the strategies businesses use in dealing with customers, suppliers, employees and the environment.
MBA530 Research Methods – 4 Credit Hours
This course provides an in-depth examination of research methods in the social sciences with an emphasis on business research and how it can support business decision-making. The course provides advanced quantitative and qualitative research tools necessary to conduct major business research projects. Topics in research methods include primary and secondary data analysis, sampling, survey design, and experimental designs. In addition, the course will draw the attention of students to an important but often neglected aspect of social research, i.e. ethical issues in social research, covering such topics as voluntary participation, anonymity and confidentiality and the need to adhere to professional code of ethics. How each method is, or may be, related to contemporary policy issues will be an integral part of the course.
MBA540 Organizational Management – 4 Credit Hours
This course examines the challenge of designing and leading effective organizational structures. In addition to organizational theory, the course addresses managing changes in leadership, technology and cultural within an organization. Students will complete a research project comparing the effectiveness of multiple organizational theories and structures.
MBA545 Managerial Economics – 4 Credit Hours
This course applies economic theory to solve business problems related to costing, pricing, revenue prediction, budgeting, investment and consumer behavior. Students will learn to use economic information to make sound business decisions.
MBA550 Designing and Executing Management Strategies – 4 Credit Hours
This course examines management strategies for strategic decision making, inventory and production control, forecasting and quality control as well as the design of effective planning, scheduling and resource control systems. The course also analyzes the internal and external structures and models of organizations to determine core competencies and strategies.
MBA555 Sustainable and Responsible Investment Management – 4 Credit Hours
This course provides students with skills and information required to evaluate business investments and make informed decisions relative to establishing investment objectives and evaluating investment performance. Students will estimate risk-return relationships and various quantitative approaches to evaluate investment strategies.
MBA560 Social Media and Marketing Strategies – 4 Credit Hours
This course explores how companies make price and promotion decisions. Students will examine marketing opportunities including pricing strategies, customer communications, identifying advertising and promotion opportunities, market segmentation, competitive analysis, and pricing issues. Students will work in teams to develop a marketing plan for a selected business. The course also looks at integrative marketing strategies encompassing consumer behavior and market research, branding and product management, distribution, and promotion. This course also provides an overview on how to embed social media in traditional business marketing structures, how to develop successful social media marketing strategies in building a brand, how to implement a social network marketing plan and how to sculpt your strategy to find a niche on social networks.
MBA565 Survey of Global Business Practices – 4 Credit Hours
This course examines a variety of legal, political, cultural, economic, financial and environmental issues that must be considered when developing and international marketing strategy. Students will use this knowledge to develop a plan to market a selected good or service internationally.
MBA570 Human Resources Management – 4 Credit Hours
This course allows students to gain a more thorough understanding of important managerial considerations related to employee management, including selection, retention, workforce planning, as well as ethical and legal considerations in hiring, performance management and progressive discipline.
MBA580 Management Information Systems – 4 Credit Hours
This course examines managerial and strategic functions of management information systems to support an organization’s mission and strategic plan. Major points of emphasis will be information reporting, analysis of management information and strategic decision making.
MBA590 MBA Capstone Project – 4 Credit Hours
Students will complete an independent research project approved by the instructor. Students will identify a business management challenge within an organization, research similar scenarios and solutions and develop a detailed solution proposal. Students will be required to provide weekly status reports and to prepare a final presentation to accompany the written project. Prerequisite: Must have a 2.0 cGPA in all completed core courses.
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