Medical Assistant Associate Degree

A Medical Assistant Associate Degree from Bryan University may be just what you need to advance in the ranks of your medical profession. With relevant training and dedicated staff members, a Bryan University medical assistant associates degree will prepare you to tackle all the demands that the health field may bring and find the medical assistant jobs that you want and deserve.

In a booming industry like healthcare, now is a great time to get your Medical Assistant Associate Degree at Bryan University. Our medical assistant classes will emphasize the skills needed when working in the front office and the back office of a healthcare facility. You will become familiar with medical terminology, human anatomy and physiology, and learn about legal issues in the healthcare industry.

Our medical assistant program can be completed in just over one year. Think about it: In less than two years you could begin pursuing medical assistant jobs and advancing in your career.

Ready for the next step?
Program Highlights
American Medical Technologists logo
  • Courtney Jekel, BS, Respiratory Therapy (Instructor)
  • Jamie Fedak, BS, Allied Health Management (Certified Allied Health Instructor)
“I have a career I love, making good money, self-sufficient and I feel accomplished.”

Qualities of a Medical Assistant


Medical assisting is a healthcare career that is all about helping patients and aiding the physicians and doctors who care for them. When working with people in the medical field, you must be compassionate and empathetic about people’s personal situations and circumstances.


Sometimes medical assistant jobs can be demanding. With the knowledge and skills you can learn at Bryan, you will be prepared to handle each patient’s visit.


Healthcare systems can be more successful when all employees choose to be team players. Your role as a medical assistant ensures doctors, physicians, nurses and patients have what they need when they enter and leave the office. An important quality of a medical assistant is being a team player. You must know how to work directly with other people in the office to make sure that each visit is successful.


As a medical assistant, you will handle medical records and need to compile patient records and medical histories. Your preparation for each patient’s visit sets the tone for the rest of the office.

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Don’t push it off.
Get Your Medical Career Started Today!

The Role of a Medical Assistant

As a medical assistant, you will have a variety of work environments to choose from, which means you have the opportunity to find the place that best fits your needs. From non-profit organizations, to clinics, to in-house, to corporate medical facilities, there is an environment that suits the goals of your healthcare career.


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Ready to find medical assistant jobs that meet your career goals? Learn more about getting started today.

Looking for one of our other allied health training programs? Click here.

**For more information about Bryan University graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed our programs, transferability of credits and other important information, please visit our website here.