Bryan University Back to School Online Classes

What Is Back to School Like for Online Classes? BU Weighs In

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Bryan University offers 100% online classes in a career-focused environment. Every quarter helps prepare you for a specific career in one of six broader programs. In today’s blog from Bryan University, we examine what back to school is like for online classes.

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Every Five Weeks

Online classes begin in 5-week cycles at Bryan University. That means there’s no traditional back to school time every fall in August or September. However, every 5-week period means you should prepare for a new set of courses to begin as you move towards a diploma or degree. Every month or so, you get to embark on a new adventure!


The most important supplies you need for online classes at Bryan University are a working computer, a stable internet connection, and access to your course materials. You might also find a comfortable chair to sit in for extended periods as you go over class notes, watch or listen to lectures, and research for your assignments. Consider a good set of earbuds or headphones to block out any extraneous sounds and distractions. 

Time Management

You’ll need strong time management skills to succeed at Bryan University’s online classes. Consider a calendar and appointment reminder so you can keep track of assignments and set aside blocks of time for your classes. Online calendars make it easy to track assignment due dates. Time management allows you to devote the right amount of time for each class without falling behind.

Other Technological and Traditional Tools

Traditional tools for taking online classes include a backpack for carrying your laptop if you want to head to a nearby cafe or library to listen to a lecture. A document organizer keeps your appointments in order, which means having pens and pencils at hand. 

A good printer is useful for printing out your assignments, or class notes on paper. This gives you a chance to review your course materials when you want a break from your computer or you don’t have your laptop with you as you study.

Related Post: How Online Classes Improve Your Well-Being

Online Classes at Bryan University

Bryan University’s 100% online classes are affordable, convenient, and let you learn in a safe and comfortable environment. We offer career-focused learning that puts you in the driver’s seat for your professional future. Call Bryan University toll-free at 1-855-862-0755 or enroll now to explore how you can elevate your career with online classes.

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