Male personal trainer helping woman lift two weights

What Interesting Classes Can You Take as a Personal Trainer?

Nathan Stokes School of Health & Wellness 2 Comments

A personal trainer diploma can lead to a rewarding career where you help others achieve their fitness goals. Bryan University’s School of Health & Wellness offers many courses in this career-focused program to put you on the path towards success as a personal trainer. Today’s blog examines some of the interesting classes you can take in our personal trainer program.

Related Post: Bring the Gym to Work With a Personal Training Diploma

Leisure Programming

Personal training is more than just helping someone get in shape. You have to make workouts fun and rewarding. You’ll gain knowledge in the areas of direct services, program planning, and program management, as well as customer service. After completing this course, you’ll understand how to assess customer needs, evaluate the impacts of various programs, promote positive experiences, and supervise staff.

Sports Law and Ethics

Gyms and fitness centers must follow certain laws and regulations. Here, you’ll learn premises liability, Title IX eligibility, equal opportunity, how to handle contracts, and federal funding through an examination of case law, statutes, and regulations.

Conducting and Reading Research in Health and Human Performance

New studies come out all of the time regarding the human body. You can be a part of the research process as a personal trainer! You’ll discover how to conduct and read research, design research tools, and evaluate results in exercise science, kinesiology, and recreation.

Behavioral Change

Personal trainers are one part athlete and one part motivational speaker. Your motivational speaker part comes in handy when you promote a change in someone’s behavior to lead to a healthier lifestyle. You’ll discover how to help clients of all backgrounds change their habits for healthier eating, better physical activity, and making sound decisions. 

Principles of Epidemiology

Epidemiology is a crucial part of our personal training diploma, especially in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Epidemiology discusses the relationship between the human body and disease, including the prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases. You’ll also learn how healthier lifestyles can prevent diseases in humans.

Related Post: The Benefits of Certification for Personal Trainers

Personal Training Diploma at Bryan University

Bryan University offers affordable and convenient classes for a personal training diploma. We provide career-focused learning that lets you jump into a job shortly after graduation. Call Bryan University toll-free at 1-855-862-0755 or enroll now to discover more!

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  1. Pingback: Personal Fitness Training Career | Good for the Brain & Body

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