Scott: What is your philosophy regarding company culture?
Tim: Our Culture we try to do a lot of things that are becoming more common within companies. We’ve structured our mission statement, vision statement, along a lot of companies that are extremely successful such as the Starbucks model. We use aspects of servant leadership, comparable to the Chick-fil-A model. Our company culture is we want to create a fun environment for our employees to work and our customers to experience. We want to provide a top-notch customer experience from the moment the doors open until the close. We also want to be a pillar for community; we want to be able to promote community charity within our business model. We want to open our doors to tragedies in the community and be a place for the community to socialize. You’ll notice we don’t have televisions in our stores; that’s on purpose. We want to bring back the lost art of conversation to engage people inter-personally. You can’t take the phones away at the door but we still do our best to have conversations at our shops. We want to open our doors again during tragedies and things. Where the community needs to come together; where they can sit and grieve together in an environment that isn’t necessarily overly grievous or intimidating; it’s a very, open, fun atmosphere. It’s a non-traditional place where you would think the community could come together. We do a lot with charity. We do hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations throughout the company to the national multiple sclerosis society. We do charity events; I am doing a bike ride in Houston this weekend; from Houston to Austin Texas. We have a national cycling team and we’re very involved in our community and charities that benefit our community as well.
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