Bryan University: The Benefits of Credit Transfer in Medical Education

Nathan Stokes Allied Health Management, Certified Nursing Assistant Program, Healthcare Administration, Medical Administrative Specialist, Medical Assistant Degree, Medical Billing and Coding, Military Benefits, Online Classes, Online Degrees, School of Allied Health Leave a Comment

If you have credits from allied health courses at a four-year university, a community college, or military education, you may be able to transfer your credits towards an allied health degree or allied health diploma at Bryan University!

We not only offer our students straight to the point training to earn a degree quickly, but we also offer the option to transfer credits from other institutes or the military to help get you back on track to graduation in one of our many allied health programs. Here’s how you can do it!

Transfer Your Earned Credits

If you have earned credits for general education or other allied health courses, you might be able to transfer those credits to Bryan University to help jumpstart your allied health career. At Bryan University we want you to succeed, and that’s why we made the transfer process as easy as possible. To find out if your credits transfer to one of our allied health programs, submit your transcript or contact us today to learn more.

Demonstrate Your Knowledge Through Testing

At Bryan University, we understand that you may have received non-traditional or unconventional training, or you may have enough knowledge in general education or allied health subjects that you can test out of a course. This is why we offer our students the opportunity to take standardized testing to earn the credits you need without having to retake courses or training, so you can fast track your allied health training at Bryan University.

At Bryan University, we honor achievement of College Level Examination Program (CLEP) thresholds and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) assessment thresholds.

Transfer Your Military Credits

Bryan University offers our military students the opportunity to not only transfer credits from other institutions but to demonstrate competency gained as part of military training using nationally recognized college equivalency standards. We understand that you have made a commitment to serving our country, and we want to make sure you get the credit you deserve for the skills you gained in the military towards your degree or diploma!

We accept the ACE College Credit Recommendation Service transcript review that presents credit recommendations for courses and occupations earned through all branches of the military. If you want to learn more about military or VA education benefits, visit our military benefits webpage!

Allied Health Programs at Bryan University

If you have training or course credits that you’d like to transfer to one of our allied health programs, find out more by visiting our allied health webpage and contact our offices today! Bryan University offers a variety of allied health degrees, including medical assistant diplomas, associate, and bachelor degrees, CNA programs, healthcare administration degrees, and medical billing and coding degrees. With an easy credit transfer process and straightforward allied health programs, you’ll be on the right path to success!


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